Top 7 Essential Herbs to Boost Immunity:

Common cold, flu, rhinovirus, respiratory infections, cough are some common seasonal viral diseases that can affect our body. If you’re also sensitive to these viral diseases, then spruce tips are the best suits for you. 
There’s no cure for the common cold, but yes you can control it by strengthening your immune system. There are many Antibiotics available in the markets that can really very helpful but has some side effects such as sleepiness, restless body, etc. However, relying on the herbs for treating these seasonal viral infections is the ideal way to get rid of these common diseases without any side effects.
Here is the list of some most common and easily available herbs that can surprisingly help to treat the most common infectious diseases.

Garlic is known for its antioxidant, Antibiotic, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It not only helps to treat some common diseases but also acts as a natural decongestant. It is a flavorful ingredient commonly used to make dishes to enhance its taste and add color.
2       Spruce tips:
Spruce tips and spruce tip tea is the also known herb to treat seasonal viral diseases. It helps to strengthen our immune system and prevent our body from viral infections, give relief from cough cold, etc. Spruce tips are also a rich source of Vitamin C and have long been used by the peoples to soothe coughs and sore throats, and to alleviate lung congestion.
Mushrooms are also called Chinese medicines and used by the Chinese and Japanese due to its medicinal properties for centuries. Mushrooms help to boost our immune system and get rid of the most common viral diseases. Some mushrooms are poisonous in nature, so it is recommended to consult your doctor or dietitian before taking it.
Ginger is the pungent root of the plant best known for its antiviral and antimicrobial properties against bacteria and fungus. The key benefits of the ginger are its immune boosting properties, it helps to helps prevent or soothe nausea and motion sickness. Chewing ginger also instantly give relief from the cough and sore throats.
5       Turmeric:
Turmeric is best known for its Anti-inflammatory and healing properties that may protect the liver from toxins and boost the immune system. Turmeric also kills pathogens like bacteria that could easily take over your body and kill you.  It also repairs cell damage and promotes cell growth too. 
     Green tea:
Nothing can beat the green tea when you’re suffering from cold and cough. Sipping a hot cup of green tea in the cold weather gives you the best feeling and keeps your warm. Green tea has several other health benefits such as it helps to improve metabolism, strengthens our immune system and reduce fat too. It also gives relief from cold, cough, flu, rhinovirus, respiratory infections and other seasonal diseases.
      Oregano is a powerful antimicrobial herb. It is rich in antioxidants which help fight damage from harmful free radicals in the body. Oregano also helps to fight fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections and boost our immune system. We mostly use oregano to add flavor and enhance the taste of our dishes, commonly used in Italian dishes like pizzas, soups, and spaghetti.   

Above mentioned are some of the most potent and powerful herbs that now only heals your body from bacterial and viral infections but also strengthens your immune system.
If you are also suffering from the cold, flu or other seasonal infectious diseases, then you must try any of the herbs mentioned above for effective results. To know more get in touch with us now.


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