Top 5 types of Medicinal Mushroom

Mushrooms have been used to help keep people healthy around the world. But they do more than just feed us and keep us alive. Fungi can also promote health and vitality, by carrying out certain functions that other foods cannot.
The trick is to know what mushrooms do what and how to find them. Thanks to the advances of modern science, we now know more about fungi than ever, even how fungi can reduce inflammation, increase the power of our immune system and give us more energy.

1.       Cordyceps Mushroom:
This rare fungus can be found in caterpillars in northern China. Traditionally, Cordyceps has been used to treat a variety of health conditions, from type 2 diabetes to severe asthma. Now, experts are focusing on the potential of cordyceps to improve kidney function in patients undergoing kidney transplantation.
But that is not all; According to an investigation by the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, it is even possible that cordyceps can increase our endurance, allowing us to run faster and jump higher. Therefore, this is not the type of mushroom you will slip into your favorite pasta sauce, but it could make a difference if you want to increase your general health.

2.       Reishi mushroom:
This is another fungus that probably is not the best addition to your mother's spaghetti sauce recipe. It is described as having a hard texture and a bitter taste, reishi is strictly medicinal, but it could have a lot to offer your health.
This is because reishi, which has been called the "mushroom of immortality," has antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it a great option to combat a cold or unpleasant infection. Heralded by as an anti-aging tool, helping us look and feel younger. Reishi has also been announced by as an anti-aging tool, which helps us look and feel younger.

3.       Shiitake Mushroom:
Ask anyone who names a famous mushroom and is likely to include shiitake, which has been used not only for its unique flavor but also because traditional Chinese medical experts believe that it can naturally increase the body's energy levels.
And that's not all. Traditional Chinese healers also believe that the shiitake mushroom can improve the functionality of the immune system and can even help reduce cholesterol levels. And for those battling a terrifying battle with cancer, research published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology suggests that eating shiitake mushrooms can help delay the development of some types of cancer cells.

4.       Chaga Mushroom:
Like many of the other mushrooms on this list, you may never have heard of Chaga, which in the past was limited to use by the people of Russia and northern Europe. However, today its potential, which includes helping to boost the immune system and fight against viruses, is becoming known beyond these frigid and distant lands.
Many studies proved that the chagamushroom contains properties that could help reduce the infections caused by the pathogens, toxic side effects, and inflammation. Chaga can also help in the fight against cancer, although research is ongoing.

5.       Maitake mushroom:
It is believed that Maitake, which is widely known as the dancing fungus, has a significant effect on the development of cancer cells, specifically to slow down their growth. Eating Maitake mushrooms can even help cancer patients with the many side effects of cancer, such as reducing hair loss and limiting nausea.
Maitake has also been used to help patients with diabetes by maintain the levels of blood sugar and help to reduce the extra fat. By choosing high-quality organic Maitake mushroom, you can also achieve other health benefits.


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