Pine Cones - Medicinal Properties and Contraindications

Pines are among the most common tree species in the world. Even if a person goes through a coniferous forest, it will already have a favorable effect on him. Improves both well-being and mood. People have long known the benefits that pines bring to health. For many years people have learned to use every part of the tree. These are tar, needles and even wood itself. The use of cones of this tree is also very popular. There are many recipes that are often used in traditional medicine, the main part of which is pine fruit. Scientists share branch fruits to man and woman. On the trees you will find reddish female fruits and men grow near the foot of the shoots. Both men and women are extremely rich in nutrients. This is both a complete list of amino acids and vitamins, as well as tannins. They are also rich in magnesium and phosphorus. Useful properties Think about the benefits of green cones. Means, whose main component is green buds, tone up, greatly strengthen the body. Th...