
How to choose and buy quality pollen

  The effect of pine nectar treatment directly depends on the quality of the selected raw material and application. City dwellers often do not have the opportunity to independently prepare medicinal powder in the forest. In this case, it is recommended to find a reliable seller from whom you can purchase a quality product, How not to be mistaken in choosing a pine product:            Pay attention to the color of the powder. If pine tree pollen is acquired in spring, then its color should be bright and fresh. A faded color, most likely, indicates the staleness of the product from the last harvest. In winter, acquiring pollen, you need to be wary at the sight of bright shades of powder. Perhaps the pollen was tinted to give it a presentation. Indeed, during storage, the powder is dried, which is why it turns white.            Nectar granules should not crumble from light touch with fingers. Otherwise, the product is either...

Best Pine Pollen Tincture | Buy Pine Pollen | Best Pine Pollen

  Pine Pollen used for health purposes offer such benefits as improved enhanced sexual function, athletic performance, greater muscle mass, & increases in energy.   It helps to boost your immune systme, fight cancer and improve immunity, chronic inflammation, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

How Pine Pollen Works in the Body?

Some people use pine pollen tincture or powder daily to help balance the androgenic and estrogenic hormones in the body. This herbal extract contains a compound that is bioidentical for the androgenic sex hormone testosterone. It also contains small amounts of other plant sterols like androsterone, androstenedione, and DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone). Pine pollen also contains estrogenic plant sterols that are bioidentical to three types of estrogen: estriol, estradiol, and estrone. Additionally, Pine Pollen contains a plant version of the steroid hormone progesterone, which deals mainly with menstruation and pregnancy in women. In men, this hormone is a precursor for testosterone. Sex androgen hormones like testosterone are produced in greater abundance in men than in women. Likewise, estrogenic sex hormones are more abundant in women than in men. However, both men and women produce and require both androgenic and estrogenic hormones. The endocrine system is responsible for...

The Healing Properties Of Pine Pollen

The antioxidant activity of tower pollen is 20 times higher than ascorbic acid and tocopherol or vitamin E is 50 times higher. Therefore, pollen is used successfully for both toning and strengthening of the body during the period of illness and rehabilitation after illness. This natural medicine can be used as an immunomodulatory agent and a stimulant that increases the body's reserves in the fight against stress. Tall pollen has blood thinning properties, improves tissue respiration and increases the activity and concentration of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is successful in neutralizing free radicals. After application of pine pollen, the amount of lipofuscin in the liver, heart and brain decreases. Lipofusin is a substance that is formed in the body under the influence of free radicals. As a result, the cells' resistance increases, their life cycle increases, the risk decreases, they do not settle on the walls of the blood vessels. The healing effect of p...

Pine Cones - Medicinal Properties and Contraindications

Pines are among the most common tree species in the world. Even if a person goes through a coniferous forest, it will already have a favorable effect on him. Improves both well-being and mood. People have long known the benefits that pines bring to health. For many years people have learned to use every part of the tree. These are tar, needles and even wood itself. The use of cones of this tree is also very popular. There are many recipes that are often used in traditional medicine, the main part of which is pine fruit. Scientists share branch fruits to man and woman. On the trees you will find reddish female fruits and men grow near the foot of the shoots. Both men and women are extremely rich in nutrients. This is both a complete list of amino acids and vitamins, as well as tannins. They are also rich in magnesium and phosphorus. Useful properties Think about the benefits of green cones. Means, whose main component is green buds, tone up, greatly strengthen the body. Th...

Procuring the Health Benefits the Best Pine Pollen

Allopathic medicines are considered as the most effective treatment, but there is nothing better than natural treatments. Presently, pine pollen is known as one of the most effective ancient treatments, which has been practiced as traditional Chinese medicines. Most of the health centers prescribe pine pollen capsules to deal with several issues. Moreover, pine pollen grains are known to boost testosterone levels, which is why they are most common among males. Pine pollen is used as revitalizing superfoods, helping people to cure nerve or body pain. They can be taken in the powder form, working to procure vitality. Pine pollens are used to promote several health benefits, some of them are mentioned in this article: Increased Testosterone The experts suggest that the pine pollen grain comprises of the hormone testosterone, which can significantly benefit men that are struggling with a decrease in their testosterone levels. A dosage recommended by the practitioner can help you ...